black Running Pony oval handstamp on 3c Nesbitt entire (U10) addressed to "W.A. Carter, Esq, Fort Bridger, Utah", endorsed "Pony Express" at bottom left, manuscript "Free Jno. W. Russell, Sccy", contemporaneous docketing on reverse reads "$477.58, Paid Oct. 6th 1860 to agent COC+PP to clear my p. office accounts to 30th Sepr 1860, W.A.C.", very fine (FKW Census W14)
John W. Russell was the son of Pony Express founder William H. Russell and served as the firm's secretary and minority owner. On January 27, 1860, Russell, Majors, and Waddell sent the younger Russell a telegram that simply read, "Have determined to establish a Pony Express to Sacramento, California, commencing the 3rd of April. Time 10 days."