wonderful mint and used collection including a wide variety of CZSG-listed shades, varieties including (mostly mint): 21.1 (6¾mm spacing, single and in block), 21.2 (strong offset on gum), 22.5 in block ("Ana" for "Canal"), 22.6 in block ("One" for "Zone"), 22.7 in block ("CA" of "Canal" spaced), 22.9 in pair (work-up [bar] after "Zone), 23.2a and 23.2b (dark purple overprints), 23.5 in block ("Can l" for "Canal"), 23.6 in block ("CA" of "Canal" spaced), 23.7 (strong offset on gum), 23.9 (recut frame lines), 24.2 (imperforate bottom margin), 24.3 in block ("Can l" for "Canal"), 24.4 in block ("Cana" for "Canal"), 24.5 in pair ("Zone" weakly printed), 24.6 ("CA" of "Canal" spaced), 24.7 (recut frame lines), 25.2 (extra row of vertical perforations through middle of stamp), 25.4 ("CA" of "Canal" spaced), and 26.3 ("Zo e" for "Zone"), plus a large number of unlisted minor overprint varieties, generally fine to very fine, a wonderful and comprehensive group