Unionville, South Carolina, 5c black on grayish paper with blue ruled lines, margins all around, vertical pair tied to seven star flag patriotic cover by "Unionville S.C. / Jun / 14" c.d.s., to Col. William M. Gist, Care of Col. Gregg, Centreville, Virginia, hinge remnants on reverse from prior mounting, handstamped and signed "R.H.W. Co" (Raymond H. Weill), Ferrary trefoil handstamp on front, remarkably bright and fresh, a tremendous rarity; ex Ferrary, Caspary, Lilly.
The unique Unionville South Carolina pair on cover, one of the most historic and significant items in all of Confederate philately.
Crown records four covers franked with the 5c black, this being the only cover, and the latest recorded example of the four. There are no recorded examples off cover.