Auction Detail
January 2023
Our January 2023 sales include the "Erivan" Collection of United and Confederate States Postal History Part VIII, as well as a general sale of United States and worldwide stamps, covers, and collections.
approximately 485 stamps, majority used, many complete sets throughout, few souvenir sheets, couple forgeries/dubious among the early issues, still a useful and attractive collection with much useful material (owner's 2015 Scott $6,150)
highly interesting group, main collection with many better items including 422a souvenir sheet, National Park souvenir sheets, and specialized sections identified by paper, cancellations, etc, Offices in China including 20-21 unused, Office in Korea including covers, Foochow local post in combination with Japan 5s on small piece, interesting cover group, selection of telegraphs and revenues, some varieties and duplicates, mostly fine to very fine, a worthwhile and interesting group
small carton with miscellaneous album and stockbook pages, primarily Japan but some other (mostly Asian) nations included, small group of a couple dozen covers, mixed condition throughout, viewing a necessity
15 mint mostly different souvenir sheets on black display pages, mostly National Parks and a few New Year sheets, includes 283a (2), 288a (2), and 575a, also 422 and 479 never hinged singles, fine to very fine
large carton filled to the brim with primarily 20th Century Japanese covers, many first days, flight covers, etc, generally fine to very fine, an interesting lot with great retail potential
carton with miscellaneous stamps and covers with the best material from Japan, we note 87-90 mint, 167-70 mint, 190-93 mint, 227-29 mint, and C9-13 mint, mixed condition, viewing highly recommend as there's no telling what could be in here
posted from "Shigeyuki Finabashi, Oka, 1303 Unit", with Java despatch handstamp, addressed to "Kohri, Niwa-Gun, Aichi Prefecture", "X" Yamazaki censor marking, from a soldier with the 7th Area Army, which operated in South East Asia (with the exception of Burma and the Philippines), scarce and fine