Auction Detail
January 2023
Our January 2023 sales include the "Erivan" Collection of United and Confederate States Postal History Part VIII, as well as a general sale of United States and worldwide stamps, covers, and collections.
48 covers selected by a collector with a keen eye, a few highlights include 1857/61 3c covers with green cancels, 1861 3c and 10c used with Black Jack on cover to Germany, 18 Black Jack covers including wrapper to Paris, red New York City leaf cancel, and advertising cover for Hartford Fire Insurance Company, 1861 3c on Pomroy advertising cover, 1869 1c on Milford, Massachusetts drop letter, and much more, small condition issues throughout but overall very fine and attractive, a useful and interesting assortment well-worth a close inspection
shoebox filled with loose material and several stockbooks, ranging from US covers to match and medicine stamps, revenues, officials, telegraph stamps, and much more, some mixed condition but generally fine or better, the balance of a very advanced collection and accordingly there is a wealth of interesting and unusual material here, viewing a necessity
large carton with several hundred covers both loose and in cover albums, ranging from the late 19th Century through about the early 2000s, bit of mint stationery included as well, many covers to Europe, generally fine to very fine, an interesting group
14 covers, 11 stampless, two with #11a, one with #65, a variety of different town and postal markings, all with wafer seals, fine to very fine overall, a varied and interesting selection
couple hundred mint and used envelopes, many uprated and used to foreign destinations, arranged in old-time cover folders, some toning and faults to be expected, mostly fine
three large cartons filled with thousands upon thousands of seals and Cinderellas, many in binders but also plenty loose material waiting to be sorted, includes advertising, fairs and expositions, travel labels, and much more, many useful and rare sets and singles throughout, mixture of American and foreign material, mixed condition but mostly fine to very fine, viewing highly recommended for proper evaluation
binder with several hundred covers and cards, primarily US and dating from the late 19th and early 20th Century, wide variety of designs parodying then-current United States stamps and stationery (many of questionable legality), some foreign material towards the back of the binder, generally fine to very fine, an extremely interesting question with some pieces certainly being unique or very rare, an excellent opportunity for the specialist in postal arcana
two large cartons filled with nearly every conceivable book and catalogue on seals and Cinderellas, mostly English-language but some foreign, many with notes in the margins, still very fine and usable, a wonderful foundation for a library for the specialist
mostly 1940s/60s, approaching two hundred covers and cards from Artic and Antarctic missions and scientific explorations, noting Operation Deep Freeze, Operation Deep Freeze II, Operation Highjump, U.S. Army Research teams, Naval Artic operations, 1950s Antarctic Expeditions, wide range of ship markings, as well as a variety of exploration and naval cachets, several signed covers, the odd fault but a chiefly attractive and fresh collection
mostly 1950s/60s, roughly eighty covers from more than twenty countries, with ship and naval mail, expedition covers, scientific surveys, and commemorative pieces, with examples including origins from British, French and Australian Antarctic Territories, Denmark, Greenland, Canada, Norway, Ross Dependency, Japan, Sweden, Tristan da Cunha, Japan, and Madagascar, note a half-dozen signed items, several attractive frankings, the odd fault but a chiefly fresh and very fine group
like German Empire with 9 cards and covers bearing SAF Flight Zeppelin stamps and four covers bearing Chicagofahrt Zeppelin stamps, furthermore US Zeppelin 50c. green total of 32 cards and covers, mostly single franking but also some multiple franking, each single franking of 1.30$ and 2.60$ and also Brazil frankings, Soviet Union Polar flight with 35k. and 2r. imperf etc., mostly good condition
including many better ones, some other airmail covers, mostly good quality