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July 2023
United States Postal History
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red datestamp with matching "7" rate handstamp and manuscript "Ship" on folded letter from Matanzas, Cuba to Portland, Maine, endorsed "p Polka" very fine, illustrated in Blake, an unusual use of this ship marking
red ribbon handstamp on December 8, 1846 folded letter from Calcutta, India to Boston, "Calcutta Ship Letter Dec 8 1846" backstamp and boxed "India", endorsed "Overland Mail P. Str Bentink", addressed "Care of Messrs. Baring Brothers, London", London February 1 Maltese cross and Liverpool oval the following day, creases, very fine and attractive, ex-White
red ribbon "Ship 6" rate handstamp on incoming folded letter from Batavia, Indonesia, endorsed "overland Steamer to America" and addressed "Care of the Baring Brothers & Co., London", London February 1 Maltese cross and Liverpool transit, creases, fine, ex-White
red datestamp with matching "7" rate handstamp on January 31, 1847 folded letter from Calais, France to Brunswick, Maine, blue three-line "Forwarded by Yours respectfully, Havre, Wm. Slade" backstamp, endorsed "pr Boston + Halifax via Liverpool Steamer", February 3 British transits, very fine, ex-White
red datestamp with matching "7" rate on January 14, 1848 folded letter from Port Mahon, Menorca to Schenectady, New York, endorsed "Via Angleterre by the Liverpool & Boston line of Steamers", Marseilles and Liverpool transits, very fine
red datestamp with matching "22" rate handstamp on large part folded cover from Leeds, England to Lawrenceburgh, Ohio from Leeds, England, endorsed "By Packet L'pool", backstamped Liverpool February 2, very fine, scarce "22" handstamp, ex-White
red datestamp with matching "7" rate handstamp on cover from Louvain, Belgium to Brooklyn, New York, April 25 origination postmark and boxed "PD", endorsed "Par Liverpool", London and Liverpool transits, carried by Cunard's Britannia, very fine
red datestamp with matching "7" rate handstamp on folded letter from Le Havre, France to Kennebunk, Maine, Havre origination postmark and boxed "PD", forwarder's backstamp, London transit and arced "Foreign Paid", very fine
red datestamp with matching "29" retaliatory rate handstamp on folded letter from London to Providence, Rhode Island, very fine, the latest known use of this "29" marking
red datestamp with matching "58" handstamp on folded letter from Glasgow, Scotland to New York City, endorsed "p Steamer", "Glasgow Paid Jul 28 1848" origination postmark, very fine, 58c pays double the 24c retaliatory rate plus 5c inland postage, the earliest recorded use of this marking
red datestamp with manuscript "68" rate on folded letter to Petersburg, Virginia, red framed "Paid at Liverpool Jy29 1848" handstamp, endorsed "p Acadia", horizontal crease, very fine, 68c pays double the 34c retaliatory rate (24c) plus inland postage (10c)
red datestamp with matching "34" retaliatory rate handstamp from Richmond, England to Philadelphia, carried by Cunard's Hibernia, very fine