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July 2023
United States Postal History
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two strikes of blue arced datestamp on folded letter to Thomaston, Maine, manuscript "37½" rate, light wear, fine and attractive (ASCC $75)
endorsement on December 7, 1825 folded lettersheet to Bangor, Maine, postmaster's free frank, very fine, mail from New Charleston is exceedingly rare (the ASCC records just two covers) since the town's name was changed to simply Charleston in 1827 after statehood made it unnecessary to differentiate from Massachusetts's Charleston (ASCC $300)
manuscript postmark with matching "10" rate on folded letter to Canaan, Maine, bit of light staining, still very fine and rare, the ASCC records just three North Belmont manuscript postmarks (ASCC $200)
manuscript postmark with matching "10" rate on folded letter to former Congressman Leonard Jarvis in Washington, DC, very fine, the ASCC records just two North Ellsworth manuscript covers (ASCC $300)
manuscript postmark with postmaster's free frank on cover to Gloucester, Maine, fine and rare, the ASCC records just two North Gray manuscript covers, ex-Hazelton (ASCC $100)
manuscript postmark with postmaster's free frank on folded letter to Jonesport, Maine, very fine, the ASCC records just one manuscript postmark from North Haven although we know of at least one other (ASCC $200)
manuscript postmark with postmaster's free frank on folded letter to Stetson, Maine, light aging and vertical filefold, fine and scarce, just four North Herman covers known (ASCC $200)
manuscript postmark with postmaster's free frank on folded letter to Augusta, Maine, very fine and quite scarce (ASCC $100)
manuscript postmark with matching "5c" rate on folded letter to Harmony, Maine, very fine, the ASCC records just three North Newburgh manuscript covers, ex-Hazelton (ASCC $100)
manuscript postmark with matching "18¾" rate on folded letter to Chelsea, Vermont, light wear, still very fine and rare, the ASCC records just one North Newport manuscript postmark from 1849 (ASCC $200)
postmaster's free frank from Mark Scott of North Woodville on cover to Brewer, Maine, very fine, the ASCC records just two North Woodsville manuscript covers both from 1858 (ASCC $100)
manuscript postmark with postmaster's free frank on folded letter to Bangor, Maine, very fine and rare, the ASCC records just three Number One manuscript covers (ASCC $200)