Auction Detail
June 2023
"Erivan" Collection Part IX and Canal Zone Stamps and Covers
Our June sales include Part IX of the "Erivan" Collection of United and Confederate States Postal History and a catalogue of Canal Zone stamps and covers featuring the collections of James W. Crumpacker and Paul F. Ammons.
- (-) Remove Canal Zone filter Canal Zone
mint single (position 26), fresh and fine, scarce with just 196 produced, 1990 Philatelic Foundation certificate (Scott $200)
mint vertical pair (positions 48, 58) with top stamp the variety, top stamp also has "Panama" overprint split (20.9a), bottom stamp with varieties including "Panama" reading up at right (20.4), double diagonal stroke in right "N" of "Panama" (20.5), two "Panama"s close together (20.8), and misplaced entry of basic stamp (20.12), fine and scarce pair, 1990 Philatelic Foundation certificate (Scott $200 for 20b)
mint single (position 8), bright color on fresh white paper, very fine and choice in all regards, just half of a pane was produced with the surcharge omitted resulting in 50 examples, photocopy of 1980 Philatelic Foundation certificate for block of four (Scott $800)
mint single (position 78) reading "cts. 8" instead of "8 cts." due to horizontally shifted surcharge, this shift also causes the two "Panama"s close together variety (20.8), lightly tropicalized gum very fine, this is the discovery example of this error published by James Crumpacker in the Canal Zone Philatelist (Vol. 38, No. 3) and subsequently the basis for the Scott catalogue listing, we know of at least one other example from the Bates collection (Scott unpriced)
mint left margin block of six (31-32, 41-42, 51-52), position 42 "L" antique in "Canal" (20.2), position 32 "Z" antique in "Zone" (20.3), pencil notations in margin, very fine and scarce block
mint block of four (positions 24-25, 34-35), the "8 cts." surcharge is from positions 23-24, 33-34 as the overprint was shifted horizontally, therefore the right two stamps do not exhibit the 3mm spacing between "8" and "cts." variety (20.6) as one would normally expect on the fifth vertical row, very fine and rare, these stamps originate from the same pane that produced the "8 cts." double error (20d), a full explanation can be found in the Canal Zone Philatelist Vol. 38, No. 3
upper left stamp in mint right margin block of four (positions 59-60, 69-70), very fine and scarce with 392 produced (Scott $225 as singles)
mint horizontal pair (positions 54-55), left stamp the variety, lightly tropicalized gum, very fine and scarce with just 392 issued, 1990 Philatelic Foundation certificate

collection of mostly mint singles, pairs, and blocks, we note varieties including long "Panamas" (18.1, 19.4), "P nama" (18.2, 19.5), two "Panamas" close together (18.4, 19.8), one "Panama" only (19.7, 20.7), "N" antique in "Canal" (19.1, 20.1), "N" with double diagonal stroke (20.9), three "Panamas" (20.14), "Zone" antique in block of four (20b), and more, generally fine to very fine, an ideal collection for the specialist and worth a close look
single used alongside pair of 1906 2c on 1p Lake (17a), tied by August 22, 1906 Cristobal duplexes to cover to Gore, New Zealand, few trivial creases do not detract from the appearance of this remarkable cover, one of just two examples of this error on cover, a gem of Canal Zone Philately which has not been on the market in over 25 years, 1995 Philatelic Foundation certificate (Scott $2,000 for used)
stage II, position 6, tied by September 18, 1905 Ancon datestamp to Preciado picture postcard ("Parque de la Catedral") to Cleveland, Ohio, very fine and rare variety on cover
Stage II, position 7, tied by June 28, 1905 Culebra datestamp to Kohpcke picture postcard ("Grupo de Lavenderas") to Philadelphia, card lightly toned, otherwise very fine, rare variety on cover