Auction Detail
June 2023
"Erivan" Collection Part IX and Canal Zone Stamps and Covers
Our June sales include Part IX of the "Erivan" Collection of United and Confederate States Postal History and a catalogue of Canal Zone stamps and covers featuring the collections of James W. Crumpacker and Paul F. Ammons.
- (-) Remove United States of America filter United States of America
tied by "Saint Joseph Ill Feb 10" (1862) datestamp to red and blue "Our Country, The Union Forever" patriotic cover to Hamelin, Germany, red "N. York Brem. Pkt. Paid 12 Feb. 15" credit datestamp, blue three-line "America Uber Bremen Franco" handstamp, Aerzen backstamp, reverse with expertly repaired tears, otherwise very fine and attractive, carried aboard NGL's Hansa departing New York February 16, en route she had mechanical trouble and arrived at Cowes six days late, she went to Southampton for repairs and her mails were forwarded via London and Ostend
Provenance: Blake M. Myers (R.A. Siegel Sale 882, 2004)
double circle datestamp with crossroads cancel tying 3c Rose (65) to cover to J. Graham Gardiner in New York City, original enclosure from Samuel Augustus Duncan datelined "Hd. Qrs. 2nd Brig. Hinks' Div., June 20th 1864" which is reproduced in large part below, envelope slightly reduced at left, which does not detract from this historically significant and remarkable letter, very fine and well-worth reading:
The day before we started for our attack on Petersburg, Lt. Col. Rogers, Amo 94th U.S.C.T. at my suggestion wrote to Dept. Hd.Qr's calling attention to the fact of your appointment and requesting a pass for you to join the regt. We find upon our return to this place—Point of Rocks—that the pass is here—Co. Rogers will forward it at once. You will see that it is a pass for you to proceed to Fort Monroe. There you will have to report to Genl. Butler's A.A.G. who will of course attune at once for you to join your regt. wherever it may be. You will find it on the way to Richmond—via Fort Darling—perhaps.
You need have no fear that we enter the Rebel Capital immediately. There will be a chance for you yet, I trust. There will needs be considerable delay in capturing Richmond; but Grand has finally struck the true base, and will push the thing with a will. The whole army is full of confidence.
The negro troops did much to open the way for him on the 15th.
The question is now settled. The negro will fight.
They did nobly. You have learned the whole story from the papers ere this. And the papers will not overstate the case.
Privately—I am glad to state that my Brigade of four regts. did the chief work. In the last assault there was but one colored regt. beside. I would pit my command against any equal command in the army.
The Army of the Potomac, seeing the works we carried, have yielded al their prejudices against colored troops. This was our greatest triumph of the day.
three-line imprint on cover to Hudson, New York, 3c Rose (65) tied by "New Orelans La Aug 25 '64" double circle datestamp, tiny tear at right, very fine and fresh, a rare imprint
patriotic design in black on 1863 cover to Dr. Henry C. Angell in Florence, Italy, franked with 1c Blue, 3c Rose, and 24c Red lilac (63, 65, 70), tied by large "Paid" in grid handstamps, red "N. York Brem. Pkt. Apr 11 Paid" credit and blue three-line "America Uber Bremen Franco", seven different backstamps, 1c tiny tear at right and 3c lightly oxidized, otherwise very fine and attractive cover
Provenance: Katharine Matthies (R.A. Siegel Sale 353, 1969)
red and blue patriotic design with clasped hands and a waving flag on cover to Dr. Henry C. Angell in Munich, Germany and forwarded to Vevey, Switzerland, 1c Blue, 3c Rose, and 24c Lilac (63, 65, 78) tied by black "Paid" in grid cancels of Boston, red "Boston Br. Pkt. 7 Paid Jul 8" credit alongside, red boxed "Aachen 21 7 Franco" and "Munchen 25 Jul 1862", Swiss backstamp, very fine and choice
Provenance: Katharine Matthies (R.A. Siegel Sale 353, 1969)
portrait of General Butler in black flanked with flags and cannons, on cover franked with three 3c Rose and 12c Black (65, 69) all tied by large "Paid" in grid cancels, addressed to Dr. Henry C. Angell in Florence, Italy, red "Paid N. York Hamb. Pkt. Paid Sep 6" exchange datestamp, endorsed "Per Hammonia via Hamburg & N.Y." (but carried aboard the Teutonia), various German and Italian backstamps, very fine, several partial "Paid" handstamps suggest that one or more stamps may have been removed but the Philatelic Foundation declares it an accepted underpayment and it is being offered as-is, in any case an attractive cover from the famed Angell correspondence, 2023 Philatelic Foundation certificate
Provenance: Katharine Matthies (R.A. Siegel Sale 353, 1969)
gold Magnus design depicting six soldiers under a tree, franked with 3c Rose (65) tied by "Paris Ill Dec 16" double circle datestamp, addressed to New Brunswick, New Jersey, very fine and rare
multicolored all-over Magnus design with two flags, reverse with 3c Rose (65) tied by "Washington D.C. Nov 24 1863" double circle datestamp, addressed to Lanesville, Connecticut, very fine and rare
Provenance: Jon Bischel (Nutmeg Sale 27, 2000)
multicolored Magnus design with Liberty portrait and aerial view of St. Louis, 3c Rose (65) tied by "Washington D.C. Jun 13 1861" datestamp, addressed to Red Beach, Maine, cover very slightly reduced at right into perforations, very fine and attractive
multicolored Magnus design on rebacked cover front with 3c Rose (65) tied by quartered cork, "Washington D.C. Sep 7" datestamp alongside, addressed to Burlington, New Jersey, very fine appearance
two-panel Magnus multicolored design with standing Liberty and flag and Maine state seal, 3c Rose (65) tied by 1862 Washington, DC datestamp, addressed to Camden, Maine, very fine and choice
yellow and blue design with verse beneath, franked with three 1c Blue singles (24) each with neat black grid, matching "Saratoga Springs N.Y. Aug 27" datestamp alongside, extremely fine and fresh, very few examples of this design are recorded and this example with the 1c stamp is particularly beautiful, 1988 Philatelic Foundation certificate