Auction Detail
March United States Postal History
Featuring The Leonard Piszkiewicz Collection of Chicago Postal History, The Van Koppersmith Collection of Philadelphia Postal History and The Tony Dewey Collection of Hartford Postal History
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blue datestamp and red "Phila. 5Cts. Paid" octagon (Clarke 528a) on folded letter to Bischofswerda, Saxony, carried on Cunard's Europa from New York, scarce red "Seebrief Per England Und Aachen 13/7" backstamp, very fine
blue datestamp and red "Phila. 21Cts. Paid" octagon, manuscript "21" over "5" (Clarke 528d), on folded letter to Paris, endorsed "via New York per Collins Steamer" and carried on the New York, French "États Unis Paquet" transit, very fine
blue datestamp and red "Phila. 21Cts. Paid" octagon, manuscript "21" over "5" (Clarke 528d), on folded letter to Bischofswerda, Saxony, endorsed "Steamer Atlantic v. Liverpool", black "U.S. Pkt." of London and red "Seebrief Per England und Aachen" backstamp, very fine and scarce
blue datestamp and red "Phila. 21Cts. Paid" octagon, manuscript "21" over "5" (Clarke 528d), on folded letter to Cognac, France, carried on Collins Line's Pacific, London transit and Cognac backstamp, very fine
blue datestamp and red "Phila. 21Cts. Paid" octagon, manuscript "21" over "24" (Clarke 530d), on folded letter to Cognac, France, red October 2 New York exchange datestamp, carried on Collins Line's Pacific, London transit and Cognac backstamps, very fine
blue datestamp and red "Phila. 24Cts. Paid" octagon (Clarke 530a) on cover to London, carried by Cunard's Niagara from Boston, red "19" credit, scarce "America Paid Liverpool Ja 3" transit and London arrival the following day, very fine
blue datestamp and matching "24" rate (Clarke 582) on cover to London, illustrated railroad cornercard for "Reliance Line, Atkins & Co.", carried by Cunard's Niagara from Boston, January 4 arrival backstamp, light wear, fine and attractive
blue datestamp with red straightline "Paid" and manuscript "42" rate paying double the 21c American Packet rate via England, red "New York Am. Packet. Jan 8" exchange, carried on Collins Line's Atlantic, black "US Pkt." handstamp of London and scarce "Seebrief Per England Und Aachen" backstamp, very fine
blue datestamp on folded letter to Cognac, France, red straightline "Paid" with manuscript "21" for American packet treaty rate via England, carried on Havre's Humboldt, Le Havre entry datestamp, backstamped Paris and Cognac, very fine
blue datestamp on folded letter to Cognac, France, red straightline "Paid" with manuscript "21" for American packet treaty rate via England, red "New York Am. Packet Feb 5" exchange datestamp, carried on Collins Line Baltic, London and Calais transit and Cognac arrival handstamps, very fine
blue datestamp on cover to Freudenstadt, Wurttemberg, black "N. York Br. Pkt. 23 Feb 23" exchange, Aachen and Freudenstadt backstamps, very fine
red datestamp with matching "Paid 60" rate handstamp (Clarke 593) on cover to Tübingen, Wurttemberg, red "N. York Am. Pkt. 14 Paid March 20" exchange datestamp, carried on Ocean Line's Hermann to Bremen via Southampton, red boxed "Aachen 10/4 Franco", very fine, just two examples of this handstamp recorded paying double the rate via Prussian Closed Mail