Auction Detail
March United States Postal History
Featuring The Leonard Piszkiewicz Collection of Chicago Postal History, The Van Koppersmith Collection of Philadelphia Postal History and The Tony Dewey Collection of Hartford Postal History
- (-) Remove The Tony Dewey Collection of Hartford Postal History filter The Tony Dewey Collection of Hartford Postal History
black two-line datestamp on folded letter to Providence, Rhode Island, manuscript "10" rate, forwarded on January 6 with "Providence" straightline postmark to Litchfield, Connecticut via Hartford with additional "12½" rate (for a total 22½c due), endorsed "Postmaster at Hartford is requested to forward this the first opportunity", very fine and early forwarded letter
black two-line handstamp with matching straightline "Free." on folded letter to New York City, endorsed "free Ez. Williams Jr.", light edge wear, very fine early free frank, Ezekiel Williams, Jr. served as Hartford's postmaster for a brief time in 1794 and again from 1795 until 1803
black two-line handstamp on folded letter to Branford, Connecticut, manuscript "Way 9" rating, very fine, this letter was processed by the Hartford post office and collected along the Boston Post Road, 9c paying the 8c postage plus 1c way letter fee, the earliest way letter recorded for Hartford
black two-line handstamp with two strikes of matching "Paid." on large folded lettersheet to Philadelphia, manuscript "3½oz 238" or $2.38 postage, very fine, apparently used as a wrapper for a bundle of legal papers, the single-sheet rate from Hartford to Philadelphia was 17c and packets were charged by weight at quadruple the single sheet letter rate, therefore the $2.38 postage is equivalent to 3½ ounces times four times 17c, a rare rating
black two-line datestamp on folded letter to William Meredith in Philadelphia, matching straightline "Paid" and manuscript "34" rate, very fine strike and cover, ex-Weill
small group of folded letters begins with 1778 manuscript cancel, 1782 cover datelined Hartford but with no town mark, three covers with the "Hartford*." rimless postmark all from 1795, and seven covers with two-line Hartford datestamp used from 1796 to 1797, small faults to be expected but generally fine to very fine, a wonderful assortment of these scarce early postmarks, idea for the specialist
rimless black datestamp on folded letter to Taunton, Massachusetts, manuscript "12½" rate, straightline "Boston" transit July 21, fine, unusual with two city handstamps, ex-O'Connor
rimless circular datestamp (manuscript month and day) and matching "12" war rate on printed tax notice to Meriden, Connecticut, very fine, sent just six days into the new war rate
black rimless datestamp (manuscript month and date) on folded letter to New Haven, Connecticut, manuscript "12" war rate, very fine, the letter's writer, Elisha Phelps, went on to serve as a Representative from Connecticut (1819-21, 1825-29) while its recipient, William Bristol, was United States District Attorney for Connecticut (1817 and mayor of New Haven (1827)
black rimless datestamp (manuscript date) on folded letter to Canandaigua, New York, manuscript "30" war rate, very fine
black rimless datestamp (manuscript date) on folded letter to Bristol, Rhode Island, manuscript "15" war rate, very fine
rimless circular datestamp (manuscript date) with matching "18¾" war rate on folded letter to Newburyport, Massachusetts, fine and scarce