Auction Detail
January 2023
Our January 2023 sales include the "Erivan" Collection of United and Confederate States Postal History Part VIII, as well as a general sale of United States and worldwide stamps, covers, and collections.
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dozens of sheets including Celebrate the Century, Legends of Hollywood, Warner Bros., and other commemoratives, light duplication (typically three of each issue), few light wrinkles to be expected, generally very fine (face value $2,750+)
carton with several albums with mint stamps and sheets, fairly complete from about the 1940s/90s, mostly 3c and 4c sheets but some better denominations, also a small assortment of FDCs, generally very fine (face value $1,000+)
25 stamps including 70 (regummed), 259 mint, 311 mint (a gem which will most likely grade high), 396 NH, 534A NH, 541 NH, C18 NH, and J41 NH, useful Washington-Franklins, a couple NH stamps with certificates including 489 graded XF-Sup 95 and 622 graded XF 90, an attractive and worthwhile group (Scott $2,800+)