Lot Details

January 2023
Our January 2023 sales include the "Erivan" Collection of United and Confederate States Postal History Part VIII, as well as a general sale of United States and worldwide stamps, covers, and collections.
Belgian colonies
mint and used collections in two well-filled Scott Specialty albums, one each Belgium and Colonies 1849/1978 and Luxembourg 1859/1981, early issues mostly used, then mainly mint 1930s onward, loaded with sets and souvenir sheets, Belgium highlights include mint 435-45, 451-68, B123-24, B144-50, B169, B179 (never hinged), B304 footnote (two different), B458a, B513a, B514, and B521-22, also back of book issues to 1980, Belgian Colonies featuring Congo 1866/1961 with some Ruanda-Urundi and Katanga, Luxembourg contains straightforward general collection with many complete mint sets, fine to very fine, two quality collections, owner's Scott catalogue value $12,500+