Auction Detail
March United States Postal History
Featuring The Leonard Piszkiewicz Collection of Chicago Postal History, The Van Koppersmith Collection of Philadelphia Postal History and The Tony Dewey Collection of Hartford Postal History
- The Van Koppersmith Collection of Philadelphia Postal History (486) Apply The Van Koppersmith Collection of Philadelphia Postal History filter
- The Leonard Piszkiewicz Collection of Chicago Postal History (192) Apply The Leonard Piszkiewicz Collection of Chicago Postal History filter
- Main catalogue (155) Apply Main catalogue filter
- The Tony Dewey Collection of Hartford Postal History (150) Apply The Tony Dewey Collection of Hartford Postal History filter
- United States Postal History (110) Apply United States Postal History filter
manuscript notation on 10c Green Nesbitt entire with red "Wells, Fargo & Co." frank, postmarked "San Francisco Cal Jun 22 1860" and addressed to Chicago, postmarked "Chicago Ills Jul 16" upon arrival and forwarded to Washington, Pennsylvania, August 2 arrival docketing, very fine and scarce cover carried via stagecoach to St. Joseph, Missouri and then by train to Chicago, illustrated in Piszkiewicz page (391)
blue straight-line handstamp on May 2, 1860 cover originating in Claremont, New Hampshire, franked with 1857 3c Dull red, addressed to Chicago where it received the forwarding handstamp in addition to a "3" in circle and "Chicago Ills May 6" double circle datestamp, readdressed to Lafayette, Indiana, very fine and attractive, an early forwarded use from Chicago which required three separate handstamps (subsequent devices would incorporate the rate), illustrated in Piszkiewicz (page 392)
blue oval handstamp on June 16, 1862 cover originating in Galesburg, Illinois, franked with 1861 3c Rose (65), addressed to Chicago where the forwarding handstamp was applied alongside a "Chicago Ills Jun 18" double circle datestamp, readdressed to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, very fine strike and cover, this handstamp was only in use for a year between 1862 and 1863, illustrated in Piszkiewicz (page 392)
two strikes of blue handstamp (one obliterated) on incoming February 6, 1864 cover from Cold Water, Michigan, franked with 1861 3c Rose (65), blue "Chicago Ill Feb 7 '64" double circle datestamp applied when the cover was forwarded to St. Louis, Missouri, very fine and attractive, this handstamp was only used for the first part of 1864

42 covers beginning with 1840 folded letter from Prairie Du Chien, Wisconsin through the 1950s, wide variety of both manuscript and handstamped markings, note FWD-1, FWD-2, "Advertised" shield with manuscript forwarding, FWD-6 on incoming cover from Arizona Territory, and much more, few small faults but generally fine to very fine, an interesting group for the specialist with several covers illustrated in Piszkiewicz (Chapter 48)
two-line handstamp in blue on reverse of incoming cover from Jacksonville, Illinois, franked with 1857 3c Dull red (26), matching blue "Chicago Ill 13 A.M", cover opened for display, very fine, this marking was applied to mail incorrectly sent elsewhere before arriving in Chicago, illustrated in Piszkiewicz (page 398)
two-line handstamp on August 31, 1868 cover from Ashtabula, Ohio to Chicago, franked with 3c Red grilled issue, very fine, the only example of this handstamp which was the first used in Chicago to include the word "missent"

approximately 40 covers from about 1863 to 1957, begins with blue two-line "Improperly Forwarded Delayed" handstamp on reverse of 1863 cover (letter datelined "Grove Parsonage"), continues with "Missent to Ch Town P.E.I" on postal card, various station markings from the early 20th Century, incoming covers from Palestine, Peru, Nigeria, Greece, Poland, and Australian Antarctic Territory, generally fine to very fine, refer to Piszkiewicz Chapter 49 for more information
red handstamp indicating advertising on incoming December 19, 1845 folded letter from Worcester, Massachusetts, very fine, an early example of a Chicago advertised marking, handstamps with the word "Advertised" would not come into use until 1854, illustrated in Piszkiewicz page (406)
three-line oval handstamp on cover originating in Exeter, New Hampshire with "Paid 3" handstamp, very fine strike and cover, only a few examples of the first Chicago "Advertised" handstamp are known
black datestamp on incoming cover from New York, franked with three 1851 1c Blue, small repairs to backflap and stamps light toning, very fine appearance
circular datestamp on cover originating in Madison, Wisconsin, franked with 1851 3c Dull red (11), advertised in the Daily Chicago Times which brought forth someone who readdressed the cover, reposted June 17 with an 1857 3c Dull red (26) and sent to Davenport, Iowa, fine and attractive advertised cover which also features both imperforate and perforated 3c stamps, illustrated in Piszkiewicz (page 408)