Auction Detail
March United States Postal History
Featuring The Leonard Piszkiewicz Collection of Chicago Postal History, The Van Koppersmith Collection of Philadelphia Postal History and The Tony Dewey Collection of Hartford Postal History
- The Van Koppersmith Collection of Philadelphia Postal History (486) Apply The Van Koppersmith Collection of Philadelphia Postal History filter
- The Leonard Piszkiewicz Collection of Chicago Postal History (192) Apply The Leonard Piszkiewicz Collection of Chicago Postal History filter
- Main catalogue (155) Apply Main catalogue filter
- The Tony Dewey Collection of Hartford Postal History (150) Apply The Tony Dewey Collection of Hartford Postal History filter
- United States Postal History (110) Apply United States Postal History filter
neat strike on ca. 1864 cover to Louisville, Kentucky, 1861 3c Rose (65) with "Chicago Ill Sep 1" datestamp alongside, small tears along top edge, very fine strike
small circular handstamp on cover to Keene, Kentucky, 1861 3c Rose (65) tied by circle of wedges with matching "Chicago Ill Jan 8 '65" double circle datestamp, original enclosure datelined Camp Douglas January 6 includes very interesting content about life as a prisoner of war ("This has bin a very dry Christmas to us you may suppose...we had two turkeys, a quantity of sossage, dried beef, half dosen chickens and other things too numerous to mention"), cover trivial tears, very fine, a remarkable cover and letter, the Type II Camp Douglas handstamp was only used for a short period at the end of the war
manuscript notation on July 18, 1862 cover to Columbia, Tennessee, franked with 1861 3c Rose, light overall wear, still very fine appearance, very rare example of a prisoner of war cover out of Camp Douglas prior to the introduction of their oval handstamp, illustrated in Harvey Karlen's American Philatelist article on Camp Douglas (October 1979, page 925)
manuscript notation on 1863 cover to Williamstown, Kentucky, franked with 1861 3c Rose (65) tied by "Chicago Ill RA Nov 10" duplex, original contents datelined "Camp Douglas, Illinois Oct 4th 1863", very fine prisoner of war cover
includes August 15, 1861 cover to Brattleboro, Vermont with embossed patriotic design on flap and matching enclosure; faulty 1863 cover to Louisville, Kentucky with Camp Douglas Prisoner's Letter handstamp; ca. 1863 cover to Cave City, Kentucky same handstamp on reverse; and red and blue "Chicago Zouaves" patriotic cover, locally addressed but unmailed, small faults but still an interesting group
group of eight covers with the same large red seal promoting the event, cornercards include Montgomery Ward and Auditorium Hotel, additionally a cover advertising the 1899 Chicago Autumn Festival, very fine and attractive group

small collection including 11 Kropp postcards of Native Americans, two oversized panoramic "Souvenir Mail Cards", and six advertising covers from the event (including Great Northern Hotel and Lyon & Healy), plus a few other pieces of ephemera, generally very fine, an interesting and attractive group
includes 1847 folded letter datelined "Sharman House", ca. 1851 cover with Sherman House handstamped cornercard on backflap, 1860s illustrated advertising cover, and a nice selection of the 1911 "Hotel Sherman Stamps" produced for the completion of the fifth Hotel Sherman hotel, including one used on intra-hotel cover and two on illustrated hotel advertising covers, generally fine to very fine, an interesting group
three covers dated August 17 and September 21, 1912 and April 30, 1914, each with rubber handstamp with pointing hand and housefly and all with "Department of Health, City of Chicago" cornercards, small faults and one reduced, otherwise very fine, this handstamp was used in the early 1910s by the Chicago Department of Health as part of a campaign to eliminate disease-bearing flies, at the time the Union Stockyards processed more meat than anywhere else on the planet and contributed towards unsanitary conditions for many, this handstamp is a rare and interesting glimpse into this era of Chicago's history
red and blue cornercard on cover postmarked Dixon, Illinois July 30, 1915, advertising "One hundred meetings en route by Dr. Howard H. Russell and the 'Rail-Splitter' Quartet", very fine and interesting, accompanied by several Lincoln Highway postcards and additional research about the "Water Wagon" tour

group of about 30 commemorative covers plus cinderellas and a New York Central System map from the event, generally very fine and attractive

11 items including 1836 incoming folded letter forwarded to La Porte, Indiana, 1849 folded letter with red cog "5", 1852 folded printed circular with 1c Blue, 1857 drop letter with 1c Blue imperforate, 1862 legal sized cover with pair of 3c Rose and blue "Due 6" handstamp, 1863 "RA" postmark on 3c Rose, 1879 cover to England with 2c Vermilion and 3c Green Bank Notes, 1885 wrapper with 1c Canada stamp tied by Chicago duplex, and 1887 2c Postal card to Saxony, small faults but mostly fine to very fine, an interesting and attractive group