Auction Detail
January 2023
Our January 2023 sales include the "Erivan" Collection of United and Confederate States Postal History Part VIII, as well as a general sale of United States and worldwide stamps, covers, and collections.
tied by Lakehurst May 30 flag cancel to cover to Newark, New Jersey, dual flight cachet "First Europe Pan-America Round Flight" and "Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin/Sudamerikafahrt 1930", with New York and Friedrichshafen backstamps, adhesive remnants on each side, otherwise fine
never hinged plate #21178 block of six, natural gum skips, very fine and attractive (Scott $600)
singles and blocks on dealer/auction house cards, numerous highlights include (all mint) C1 (4 plus block of four), C2 (6), C3 (3), C4-6, C7-12 plate blocks of six, BKC1, C13 (3), C14 (2), and C18 (2 blocks of four), considerable duplication among later issues, mostly fine to very fine, a clean and useful group (Scott $3,600+ for better items)
never hinged place #7132 block of six, very fine and fresh (Scott $350)
never hinged plate #15856 block of six, blue crayon in selvedge, very fine (Scott $250)
unused (no gum), mixed centering as usual but mostly very good to fine, fresh (Scott $1,920 for original gum)
complete mint set including the two 1922 stamps, bright and fresh, 12c on 6c barest trace of oxidation, entering much nicer than usually encountered, fine to very fine and attractive (Scott $2,120)
without gum as issued, natural straightedge at right, mostly intact perforations other three sides, fine and rare with just 75 sold (Scott $2,500)
without gum as issued, few short perforations at bottom from scissors separation, fine, only 82 issued (Scott $1,600)
Roosevelt album set with values to the 90c mounted on original gray cardboard, dollar values removed from backing, couple small faults, very fine appearance (Scott $1,600)
Roosevelt album proofs affixed to original gray cardboard backing, very fine and choice (Scott $1,100)
complete set of 11, without gum as issued, small faults throughout including thins and pulled perfs, the most severe issue being the fact that the 90c stamp has had nearly all of its perforations removed, 10c natural straightedge at right, despite all this most stamps appear fine, making this an affordable way to acquire a complete set of War Department specimens, most of which were sold in quantities ranging from 104 to 119 (Scott $12,760)