Auction Detail
January 2023
Our January 2023 sales include the "Erivan" Collection of United and Confederate States Postal History Part VIII, as well as a general sale of United States and worldwide stamps, covers, and collections.
four large albums plus an additional binder of material, begins with an assortment of Spanish era including some overprints and a nice selection of Baby Heads, followed by a bit of Revolution material, US administration begins with 1899 overprint issue to the 50c, well-represented through the 1920s and 1930s less the rarities, thorough Japanese occupation minus the high values, and a 464 block on first day cover, however the real highlight of this collection is undoubtedly the Republic era which is not just nearly complete but replete with varieties, mostly mint post-WWII but plenty of used stamps as well, we note many imperforate stamps, overprint varieties, "O.B." overprints, setenant blocks, souvenir sheets, and much more, generally fine to very fine throughout, an extraordinary collection which would take many years to duplicate and a wonderful opportunity for the student of modern Philippines
hinged on old-time album pages, mix of mint and used, includes Legislative Palace mint complete, London-Orient Flight mint complete, selection of "Commonwealth" and "O.B." overprints, and more, generally fine to very fine
11 covers including U.S. Receiving Ship and U.S. Naval Hospital in Cavite, two censored covers, etc, mixed condition but generally fine to very fine, an interesting group
small group including Burritt's 1848 pamphlet Ocean Penny Postage: Its Necessity Shown and Its Feasibility Demonstrated, plus small group of covers (three mint, two used from the US, one used from the UK) advocating penny postage, very fine and interesting
oval handstamp on 3c Pink entire (oxidized) to New Orleans, Louisiana, a fine strike
3c Red Nesbitt entire with Wells, Fargo & Co. Type E imprint, addressed to "Mrs. Margaret W. Reed, Ocean View, Santa Cruz, Cal", reduced at left, fine, Reed was a survivor of the Donor Party who died at the age of 47 in 1861
approximately 85 mint and used entries in a binder, mostly Wells Fargo but a few other express companies included, wide variety of franks and cancels, some faults to be anticipated but generally fine to very fine, an interesting collection for the specialist and well worth a close look
13 mint and used entires with printed franks, including nine Wells Fargo, three Pacific Stage & Express Co., and one Pacific Union, Wells Fargo cancellations include Santa Barbara, Stockton, and Union Pacific "A", mixed condition
including around 190 1956 Department of Health Postal reply cards originating from various Alaska post offices, 25 postal cards incoming to Alaska from various destinations, most all territorial, 39 1940s/50sAlaska APO and Naval postal cards, over a dozen better 1929/62 HAM Radio postal cards, the majority territorial usages, some rarer Alaska town markings on registry return receipts, including two Hot Springs Manuscript postmarks (Helbock type 2, RF 8) and two Richardson Manuscript postmarks (Helbock Type 1, RF 7), also includes a group of over a dozen postal cards used in territories or possessions, including 1883 Butte City, Montana; 1884 Aberdeen, Dakota Territory; 1891 Cordes, Arizona registered packet receipt; 1901 San Francisco to Pahala, Hawaii (Honolulu and Pahala backstamps); and 1902 Fort Worth to Apache, Oklahoma Territory (arrival backstamp), overall fine to very fine, plenty of interesting and useful material to be found.
three 10c Green Nesbitt covers, first from Mormon Island, California to Raymondville, New York, endorsed "Via Panama"; second from Johnstown, Wisconsin to Yankee Jims, California with 1858 enclosure; third 1858 use from San Francisco to Athens, Georgia, all with small faults, fine and interesting group
16 covers/stationery (5 stampless) plus a couple cancels on piece; includes some B&O RR stationery variety of cancels including straight-line, double oval "Muikirk Depot" agent handstamp, a lightly struck and rare "Duffields B&O RR" 1861 cds, scarce blue "Baltimore & Susquehanna RR" cds on 3c Nesbitt envelope, an 1865 soldier's letter with nice strike of "Monrovia B&O RR" agent marking (faulty stamp), also #11 tied on piece by partial "Phila & Balte RR" cds, usual mixed condition but a Fine group of these desirable covers
wonderful bold strike on 3c Green entire (U163), "Waterbury Conn. Mar 25 10AM" datestamp alongside, addressed to Princeton, New Jersey, 1878 docketing, extremely fine strike and cover